Introducing The ASO

The ASO (Allschlaraffian Symphony Orchestra) was founded 40 years ago by members of “Schlaraffia”, an international organization that itself has its roots in the 1859 German theater and music scene in Prague (then Habsburg Austria).   

Although the majority of Schlaraffia’s chapters were founded in Europe, there are also a sizeable number located in North- and South-America.  We can find Chapters in cities such as Boston, Toronto, Buffalo, New York City, Philadelphia, Patterson and Dover (NJ), Washington DC, to mention those on the East coast as example.   

The Motto of Schlaraffia is ”Friendship, Humor and The Arts”.  The Latin phrase “In Arte Voluptas” (i.e., “find pleasure in the arts”) can be seen in every of Schlaraffia’s Castles.  Thus, it is not surprising that a great number of musicians, both professionals (members of major European symphony orchestras) and semi-professionals, joined Schlaraffia.  Music is one the pillars of art in Schlaraffia, thus it is not surprising, that we list famous composers like Gustav Mahler, Franz Lehar and many others among Schlaraffia’s members.

The musicians of the ASO come together on a regular basis and have since performed over 100 international concerts.  Some well-known venues are Berlin/Germany (Philharmonie, ICC Concert Hall and Urania Humboldt Hall), Bregenz/Austria (Theater), Baden Baden/Germany (Kurhaus), Salzburg/Austria (Mozarteum), Prague/Czech Republic (Stätni Opera), New York City (Weill-Carnegie Recital Hall), Bangkok/Thailand (Great Hall Hilton Hotel), Rio de Janeiro/Brazil (Escola de Musica Universitat), Cape Town/South Africa (International Concert Hall).

In the ASO’s current repertoire are music pieces from major classical but also modern and popular composers, such as Beethoven, Haydn, Grieg, Dvorak, as well as the Viennese Strausses, Lehar, Souza, to name only a few. Some works have even been composed exclusively for the ASO by members of Schlaraffia.

The ASO will go on a short tournee in Fall 2024 on the East Coast and give performances in Washington, Philadelphia, Parsippany/NJ and Boston.  

Concerts will be free and open to the public, but the ASO is asking for donations that will go to local charitable organizations.

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